Section: Housing Provision

SFHA comments on latest Quarterly Housing Statistics for Scotland

Posted 18.12.19
SFHA: Further reading

A 20% rise in new build housing association homes has been given a cautious welcome by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).

The latest Quarterly Housing Statistics for Scotland found there were 664 more housing association homes completed over the year ending June 2019. However, there was a 4% fall in local authority houses.

Nearly 11,000 affordable homes were started in the period to September 2019.

Sally Thomas, SFHA Chief Executive, said:


Council seizes seven empty properties

Posted 17.12.19
Birmingham City Council: Further reading

Birmingham City Council has seized seven residential houses from their owners, after they have each stood vacant for more than 10 years.

On Thursday 12 December, the Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) were completed, meaning that the authority can exercise its enforcement powers to get the properties brought back in to use as family homes.

The CPOs are the last tactic used by the authority, as part of its aim to bring back into use one empty home every day.

The council's private sector empty property team works closely with owners in Birmingham to educate, encourage and understand why the houses are lying empty and how to bring them back into use.

Where this fails, as last resort, the council considers the use of CPO powers, as has been the case in this instance.

The properties will now be sold leasehold at auction, with the requirement that new owners bring them back into use within twelve months.


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