Section: Grenfell Tower

Firefighters call forum to implement Grenfell inquiry recommendations

Posted 26.11.19
The Firebrigades Union: Further reading

Recommendations from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry report must be implemented "quickly and efficiently", the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has said.

In a letter to to representatives from the government and shadow cabinet, Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary, writes:

A forum of relevant fire safety individuals and organisations needs to be urgently convened.

This should include fire safety specialists, representatives from central and local government, housing specialists, tenants' organisations and other relevant organisations.

The letter was also sent to the London Fire Brigade, the National Fire Chiefs Council, the Mayor of London, the Local Government Association, the first ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, fire safety bodies and the Grenfell community.


Tracing the timeline that ended at Grenfell

Posted 06.11.19
Inside Housing: Further reading

A carefully constructed article in Inside Housing by Peter Apps presents a timeline of some of the key events and missed warnings that ultimately led to the tragic Grenfell Tower fire.

The research stretches back as far as the 1960s when aluminium composite material (ACM) was first developed - originally to be used as a base for bed mattresses - and how it quickly developed into a popular building product.

The article takes account of legislation and central policy. Relevant guidance and recommendations are noted, as are the outcomes of such advice.

The article points to disasters elsewhere that should have raised alarm bells but, if they did - they seem to have been too often ignored.

More than editorial, this article provides essential research that is a worthwhile read for all of us involved in any way in the sector.


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