Section: Housing Provision

New future for the Sutton Estate includes 80 new homes

Posted 15.11.19
Clarion Housing Group: Further reading

Clarion Housing Group has committed to a £37 million investment package to improve the entire Sutton Estate and deliver at least 80 new social rented homes to Kensington and Chelsea.

The plans will see the 106 year-old homes in blocks A-D (currently empty as they do not meet decency standards for accommodation) undergo a full refurbishment.

All of the new homes will be for social rent and priority will be given to residents currently living on the estate.

Residents in the remaining 303 flats on the estate will benefit from new kitchens and bathrooms and other upgrades.

Clarion has also committed to improving the outdoor spaces.

The new scheme has no homes for private sale.


Vision for new modular homes to replace derelict garages

Posted 08.11.19
whg: Further reading

Derelict garage sites across Walsall could be transformed into new and energy efficient housing developments, after whg revealed its modular homes vision.

The leading Midlands landlord has identified more than 200 unused sites in the borough that, using innovative modular technology, could be brought back into use as new housing developments.

As part of the vision, whg would build the homes offsite before transporting them to their final destination and craning them into position.

The homes will be designed as lifetime homes, which can be adapted to suit the needs of different generations and lifestyles.

Their innovative construction technique means they will be cheap to heat, which will help tackle fuel poverty.

whg has so far submitted 13 planning applications to Walsall Council, all consisting of three bed semi detached homes, with many more in the pipeline.


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