Section: Social Landlords

Housing Plus takes a look at how social landlords often go 'a step further'

Updated 26.11.19
InFocus: Article link

Housing Plus provides brief reports on activities of social landlords that can be described as 'in addition to landlord/tenant requirements', often associated with the welfare of residents and others in the community - with links for further reading.

This edition covers the period July to December 2019 and is regularly updated.

Posted in our InFocus section, Housing Plus will always be available from this section of KeyFacts.

November 2019 new posts to 'Housing Plus' = 7


Solon and United Communities Housing Associations considering options for closer working

Updated 14.11.19
Solon South West Housing Association: Article link

Solon and United Communities Housing Associations have agreed to look into the benefits of working more closely together.

Whilst they are in the very early stages, further agreements could lead to a merger and the creation of a new locally-led housing association.

The two associations are of a similar size and both based in Bristol and work closely together. A merger could see a new locally-led housing association with the responsibility for more than 3,300 homes across the region.

Over the next three months the two associations will undertake a detailed due diligence process to see whether to take the proposal further.


Radian and Yarlington confirm new partnership

Updated 05.11.19
Radian Group: Article link

Social housing providers Radian and Yarlington have entered into a new partnership, creating an organisation that manages 38,000 homes across the south and south west of England.

Yarlington has become a subsidiary of Radian Group, with both organisations operating with a shared Board, Executive and senior leadership team.

The combined organisation will be able to deliver an additional 10,000 homes over the next 10 years.


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