Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

Seminar to look at changes in asset management over past 18 months

Posted 21.08.19
Northern Housing Consortium: Further reading

A seminar, hosted by the Northern Housing Consortium in conjunction with Altair, will look at the big changes in asset management that have taken place over the past 18 months.

In the wake of the Grenfell Tragedy and the Hackitt Review, there is a lot for asset directors and managers to get to grips with to ensure that they can continue to operate and perform effectively and within the emerging new guidelines.

The seminar will be examining key topics of interest to the asset management sector - including stock rationalisation and dealing with the challenges that may arise from this, managing expectations of customers and businesses when planning and implementing cyclical replacement programmes as well as examining how housing organisations are increasing the use of technology in asset management.

The seminar will be 10th September in Leeds. The above link gives access to the full programme and booking form.


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