Section: Building & Regeneration

Metropolitan Thames Valley secures council approval for Barnet regeneration

Posted 05.08.19
Metropolitan Thames Valley: Further reading

Barnet Council has approved Metropolitan Thames Valley's (MTVH) plan to regenerate the Westhorpe Gardens and Mills Grove estate, and deliver more than 250 new homes.

In November last year, residents of the north London estate voted in favour of the housing association's redevelopment proposals - in the first ballot of its kind under rules introduced by the Mayor of London earlier that year.

MTVH's redevelopment proposals are to create a mixed tenure community of more than 250 homes - of which the more than 100 existing social rented homes will all be replaced with brand new ones.

In addition, nearly 150 new homes will be delivered for affordable rent, shared ownership and over-55s retirement living.

The proposals are for approximately 80% of the additional homes to be affordable, with a number of retirement living properties for market sale.


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