Updated 14.03.19

- Watchdog confirms Grenfell breached human rights laws

" /> <h2>Watchdog confirms Grenfell breached human rights laws</h2>

Section: Grenfell Tower

Watchdog confirms Grenfell breached human rights laws

Posted 14.03.19
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Article link

In its report submitted to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, the Equality and Human Rights Commission concludes that local authorities and public services failed their human rights obligations to protect life and provide safe housing.

The Following Grenfell report states residents' right to life and right to adequate housing were breached before the fire started on 14 June 2017.

It highlights authorities were presented with evidence that the cladding was unsafe but failed to take action to prevent the loss of 72 lives.

Not banning the cladding at the time, or strengthening rules for its use in the UK, breached residents' right to life under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This is a fault the Equality and Human Rights Commission says "lies with the authorities".

The Commission points to the 300 plus high-rise buildings in the UK that continue to be wrapped in the now banned combustible cladding, suggesting the failure to protect lives and violation of Article 2 continues.


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