Updated 06.03.19

- Brexit implications for the housing with care and supported housing sector

" /> <h2>Brexit implications for the housing with care and supported housing sector</h2>

Section: Care & Support

Brexit implications for the housing with care and supported housing sector

Posted 06.03.19
Housing LIN: Article link

Despite the constant press attention about the UK's planned exit from the EU on 29 March 2019, very little has been reported on the implications on the housing with care and supported housing sector.

For this reason, Housing LIN surveyed its members to find out what contingency and other plans have been made and to capture their views.

The responses have been used to build a snapshot of relevant sectors around planning and risk assessments - in particular, regarding staffing issues, housing demand, impacts on customers, costs, finance and investment decisions.

Overall, many respondents found that the unpredictability of the Brexit process and of a No Deal scenario made it impossible to plan sufficiently for its impacts.

Whatever the final outcome on the 29th of March, the responses to the survey suggest that the housing and care sector is woefully unprepared for Brexit.


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Reporting on March 2019

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