Updated 05.03.19

- MPs look into how 'modern methods of construction' boosts housing supply

" /> <h2>MPs look into how 'modern methods of construction' boosts housing supply</h2>

Section: Building & Regeneration

MPs look into how 'modern methods of construction' boosts housing supply

Posted 05.03.19
Commons Select Committee: Article link

The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee has commenced its inquiry into Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), as they take evidence from academics and industry representatives.

MMC utilises a range of approaches, such as off-site manufacturing and improvements to the supply-chain - and is intended to produce more, better quality homes in less time.

Compared to more traditional forms of house building, MMC can improve predictability of work and costs, mitigate material shortages and the impact of developments on the local area.

According to the Government's Industrial Strategy, MMC has the potential to reform the residential construction sector - so as to meet its target of 300,000 new homes each year and 1 million between 2017 and 2020.

The wide ranging session will examine the benefits of MMC and how it could sustainably boost the housing supply.

The session will also examine how skills and recruitment within the industry can be improved to allow for greater adoption of MMC.


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Reporting on March 2019

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