Updated 04.03.19

- Government calls for the end of housing advertisements which specify 'No DSS' tenants

" /> <h2>Government calls for the end of housing advertisements which specify 'No DSS' tenants</h2>

Section: Private Sector Housing

Government calls for the end of housing advertisements which specify 'No DSS' tenants

Posted 04.03.19
GOV.UK: Article link

Housing Minister Heather Wheeler has outlined plans to look at letting adverts which potentially discriminate against would-be tenants on housing benefit and made clear these should end.

Out of 4.5 million households living in private rental accommodation, 889,000 receive housing benefit to help pay their rent.

Yet the latest figures show around half of landlords said they would not be willing to let to tenants on housing benefit - ruling out thousands of vulnerable people and families.

In the coming months, ministers will meet leading industry representatives - including mortgage providers, landlord associations, tenant groups, and property websites - to clamp down on blanket exclusions in adverts, with a view to stopping them altogether.


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