Updated 05.02.19

- Major investment in Haringey's council homes unveiled

- Best practice in maintenance awards 2019

" /> <h2>Major investment in Haringey's council homes unveiled</h2>

Section: Repairs & Maintenance

Major investment in Haringey's council homes unveiled

Posted 14.02.19
Homes for Haringey: Article link

Homes for Haringey and Haringey Council will be investing nearly £250 million to improve council homes in the Borough over the next five years under a new Asset Management strategy.

These major works will improve over 13,500 homes in the Borough and over 6,500 residents will benefit from the first phases of work, which will start from autumn 2019.

Alongside this, Homes for Haringey have also identified £22.3 million of internal works in communal areas, which will be delivered over the next four years.

The new strategy sets out Homes for Haringey's plans for maintaining and improving homes over the next five years. It takes a wider and longer-term view than was possible under the previous Decent Homes programme.

It will also take a more estate-based approach, including ear-marking funding for improved communal areas.


Best practice in maintenance awards 2019

Posted 05.02.19
NHMF: Article link

The NHMF awards recognise success and ingenuity within the housing sector. They showcase projects and organisations that have excelled in improving the quality and efficiency of the services they provide.

Award winners were announced at the NHMF Awards Dinner, held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole:

The purpose of the National Housing Maintenance Forum (NHMF) is to set the standard for maintaining assets for social housing and provide guidance on best practice.

The NHMF is serviced by M3, which publishes the M3NHF Schedule of Rates, as well as supporting the annual conference and its awards programme.


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Reporting on February 2019

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