Updated 20.12.18

- CIH calls on government to suspend Right to Buy

" /> <h2>CIH calls on government to suspend Right to Buy</h2>

Section: Right to Buy

CIH calls on government to suspend Right to Buy

Posted 20.12.18
Chartered Institute of Housing: Article link

Figures released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government show that from July to September 2018 local authorities in England sold 2,417 homes under the Right to Buy scheme, with 1,160 homes started or acquired to replace them during the same period.

Since Right to Buy discounts were increased in April 2012, 72,929 homes have been sold, while just 20,746 have been started or acquired to replace them.

Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) chief executive Terrie Alafat CBE said: "Not only are we failing to build enough homes for social rent - Right to Buy means we are losing them at a time when millions of people need genuinely affordable housing more than ever.

CIH analysis has shown that Right to Buy is costing councils £300 million a year. Cutting the discounts available by a third could lead to an extra 12,000 homes being built a year, CIH has calculated. But the organisation says Right to Buy should be suspended altogether to stem the loss of social rented homes.


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