Updated 05.12.18

- DWP has spent millions on Universal Credit marketing blitz

" /> <h2>DWP has spent millions on Universal Credit marketing blitz</h2>

Section: Welfare Benefits

DWP has spent millions on Universal Credit marketing blitz

Posted 05.12.18
Huffpost: Article link

The government has spent more than £4 million in advertising for Universal Credit, as tens of thousands of benefits claimants move onto the scheme and amid mounting criticism over its value for money.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has spent a total of £4,289,676 on its campaign to promote Universal Credit, splashing out on social media campaigns, digital displays and bus stop posters.

The advertising blitz has accelerated in the past two years, according to figures obtained through a Freedom of Information request.

The DWP spent £511,226 advertising the scheme in 2016, before spending increased by 232% - to £1,700,188 the following year.

But those figures will be dwarfed by the advertising spend for 2018, which the department said had so far reached £2,078,062. The increased advertising spend mirrors the growth in the number of people on Universal Credit.


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