Updated 23.10.18

- Mobile home residents are to receive greater protection from dishonest site owners

" /> <h2>Mobile home residents are to receive greater protection from dishonest site owners</h2>

Section: Mobile Homes

Mobile home residents are to receive greater protection from dishonest site owners

Posted 23.10.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Mobile home residents are to receive greater protection from dishonest site owners seeking to make a profit at their expense.

Housing Minister Heather Wheeler confirmed new steps to give local authorities tougher powers to tackle rogue operators in their areas, ranging from fines to outright bans for the worst offenders.

Over 85,000 families live on 2,000 park home sites across the country, including many older people, but a small minority of dishonest site owners abuse their position - intimidating residents and neglecting their duty of care.

The changes that will be made will prevent site operators from burdening residents with unfair and unnecessary charges, providing greater transparency and clarity for those who live on the site and putting cash back into resident's pockets.

There will also be better guidance available on what to do if residents feel they are being harassed by their site owner.


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Reporting on October 2018

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