Updated 22.10.18

- CIH wins the FAB Award for Qualification of the year 2018

" /> <h2>CIH wins the FAB Award for Qualification of the year 2018</h2>

Section: Training & Career Progression

CIH wins the FAB Award for Qualification of the year 2018

Posted 22.10.18
Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): Article link

The Chartered Institute of Housing has won the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) Qualification of the year award 2018, for their Level 3 in Supporting Homeless People.

The FAB judges were looking for a winner that reflected how a qualification can be successful in different ways. These included impressive sales that reflect its popularity, an innovative approach in the qualification and or assessment, meeting an emerging industry need or making a major impact in a niche sector.

The qualification needed to represent the best practice in awarding and so represent the contribution that qualifications make to the education and skills sector.


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Reporting on October 2018

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