Updated 19.10.18

- Enfield Council's MOT for social housing

" /> <h2>Enfield Council's MOT for social housing</h2>

Section: Repairs & Maintenance

Enfield Council's MOT for social housing

Posted 19.10.18
Enfield Council: Article link

An innovative scheme to improve the standard of social housing, reduce repair costs and provide a better service for residents is being launched by Enfield Council.

Dedicated MOT teams will visit social housing properties in the Borough each year to check their condition and put right any faults that are found.

The initiative would also help identify vulnerable residents who need extra assistance from social services and enable the Council to more accurately assess the condition of its stock as the repairs schedule rolls onwards.

The Council expects the new scheme to be self funded from a reduction in responsive repairs costs.


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Reporting on October 2018

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