Updated 31.10.18

- Grenfell survivors facing Universal Credit roll-out just days before Christmas

- Select Committee finds that Universal credit delivery is causing unacceptable hardship

- Universal credit rollout delayed yet again

" /> <h2>Select Committee finds that Universal credit delivery is causing unacceptable hardship</h2>

Section: Welfare Benefits

Select Committee finds that Universal credit delivery is causing unacceptable hardship

Posted 26.10.18
Commons Select Committee: Article link

A new report from the Public Accounts Committee has concluded that the introduction of Universal Credit is causing "unacceptable hardship and difficulties" for many of the people it was designed to help.

The report is critical of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and concludes that it has persistently dismissed evidence that Universal Credit is causing hardship for claimants and additional burdens for local organisations, and refuses to measure what it does not want to see.

It notes that in reports in 2015 and 2016 the Committee warned about the Department's continued lack of transparency and comments that it is hugely regrettable that the these warnings have not been heeded.

The report concludes that if the current problems are not addressed and the funding needed is not forthcoming, the hardship is likely to continue. It calls for the involvement of a third party organisations to help shape the new programme in light of the real life experiences of recipients.


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Updated 31.10.18

  • HuffPost: Grenfell survivors facing Universal Credit roll-out just days before Christmas- according to Whitehall documents quietly released on Budget day.
  • BBC News: Universal credit rollout delayed yet again- leaked documents seen by the BBC reveal plans to spend hundreds of millions of pounds to prevent claimants suffering hardship as they move onto it.

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