Updated 12.10.18

- Housing experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

" /> <h2>Housing experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing</h2>

Section: Housing for the Elderly

Housing experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

Posted 12.10.18
University of Stirling: Article link

Housing experts have called for a Commissioner for Ageing in England and Scotland - similar to the Older People's Commissioner for Wales - to encourage service integration that enables people to age in the right place.

A University of Stirling-led report found that the UK housing sector is still not ready for ageing, but said there was evidence of real support and political buy-in for ongoing and future solutions.

The report, Housing and Ageing: Linking Strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030, recommended that housing should play a central role in the provision of services for older people.

It also called for new adaptable and affordable housing to be built; investment in early intervention; and meaningful consultation with older people.

The report will be submitted for consideration by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments, in a bid to ensure a joined-up approach to the issue across the country.


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