Updated 03.10.18

- Thousands of empty London properties could be used for temporary housing

" /> <h2>Thousands of empty London properties could be used for temporary housing</h2>

Section: Research & Surveys

Thousands of empty London properties could be used for temporary housing

Posted 03.10.18
BBC News: Article link

About 24,000 commercial properties in London that could be turned into temporary housing or workspaces are lying empty, a report has found.

Research from Centre for London discovered the floor space of unused buildings amounted to about 1.8 million sq m (2,700 hectares) of land.

More than 20,000 commercial properties in the capital have been empty for at least six months, with 11,000 of those vacant for two years, according to Centre for London.

The think tank said space of that kind could be used for schemes such as temporary housing, charity works or retail units.


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Reporting on October 2018

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