Updated 03.10.18

- New films in the 'Spotlight on Extra Care Housing' video series

" /> <h2>New films in the 'Spotlight on Extra Care Housing' video series</h2>

Section: Housing and Care

New films in the 'Spotlight on Extra Care Housing' video series

Posted 03.10.18
Housing LIN: Article link

Following on from Housing LIN's previous film examining the design of Extra Care facilities, its new film in the 'Spotlight on Extra Care' series looks at the provision of care in Extra Care Housing.

Speaking to both providers and recipients of care, this short film examines how Extra Care Housing provides a reabling approach to care delivery that allows many residents to improve skills and regain confidence and independence that may have been lost in a setting without support.

On-site care providers also discuss the satisfaction they receive from the job, as well as the personal bonds they build with residents, and how this can help ease the transition to a higher care need over time.

The above link gives access to the video.


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