Updated 02.10.18

- Government announces new housing measures - New Homes Ombudsman

" /> <h2>Government announces new housing measures - New Homes Ombudsman</h2>

Section: Ombudsman

Government announces new housing measures - New Homes Ombudsman

Posted 02.10.18
GOV.UK: Article link

The government has announced that there will be a New Homes Ombudsman - a watchdog that will champion homebuyers, protect their interests and hold developers to account.

It intends to legislate to require all new developers to belong to a new homes ombudsman.

The aim is to ensure house buyers can be confident that when they purchase a new home, they get the quality of build and finish they expected.

Government will work with consumers and industry to develop its proposals and publish more details in due course.


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Reporting on October 2018

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