Updated 02.10.18

- Government announces new housing measures - building safety

" /> <h2>Government announces new housing measures - building safety</h2>

Section: Fire Precautions

Government announces new housing measures - building safety

Posted 02.10.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the government established a comprehensive building safety programme that included an independent review on fire safety and building regulations.

Subsequently, the government published its response to this review and said it would ban the use of combustible materials on external walls of high-rise buildings - subject to consultation.

Following that consultation, the government has now confirmed that it will take forward this ban on all high-rise buildings that contains flats, as well as hospitals, residential care premises and student accommodation above 18 metres.

This ban will be delivered through changes to building regulations and will limit materials available to products achieving a European classification of Class A1 or A2.


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