Updated 25.09.18

- £90,000 to support homeless people into homes in Conwy and Denbighshire

- Blog Watch: Four reasons why we signed up to the Commitment to Refer

- World Habitat Homelessness Campaign update

- Funding allocated for councils to help rough sleepers

" /> <h2>£90,000 to support homeless people into homes in Conwy and Denbighshire</h2>

Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

£90,000 to support homeless people into homes in Conwy and Denbighshire

Posted 25.09.18
Welsh Government: Article link

Housing and Regeneration Minister Rebecca Evans has announced the funding for a Housing First pilot project in the area run by Conwy and Denbighshire local authorities.

Housing First involves moving people with complex needs into permanent housing and offering them one-to-one support to address their problems and to be able to sustain a tenancy themselves.

Rebecca Evans said:

"Housing First is an innovative approach which has been proven to work elsewhere. It works on the basis that people are more successful in moving forward with their lives if they are housed first and have choice and control over their lives.

"It's particularly impressive that 78% of people supported by the Anglesey Housing First project have successfully secured and maintained accommodation."


Funding allocated for councils to help rough sleepers

Posted 06.09.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Rough sleepers will receive further support after the government set out plans to fund 83 areas with the highest numbers of people at risk over the next 2 years.

Following on from the launch of its Rough Sleeping Strategy last month, the government has announced provisional allocations of a £34 million fund to provide local support for those living on the streets.

Councils across England with the highest numbers of rough sleepers will receive a share of the funding to back on-going initiatives in their area, such as dedicated support teams and securing additional bed spaces.

It will be allocated for council spending over the next 2 years and is an extension of the £30 million that was provided to councils in June through the Rough Sleeping Initiative Fund.


Quick Links

Updated 12.09.18

  • National Housing Federation: Blog Watch: Four reasons why we signed up to the Commitment to Refer - Ian Martin, Executive Director Of operations at Estuary Housing Association, says "don't underestimate the impact your organisation can have on ending homelessness - sign up to the Commitment to Refer."
  • World Habitat: Homelessness Campaign update: September 2018 - Updates from cities taking part in the European End Street Homelessness Campaign.

  • KeyFacts

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