Updated 19.07.18

- Voting for the next CIH vice president opens

" /> <h2>Voting for the next CIH vice president opens</h2>

Section: People in Housing

Voting for the next CIH vice president opens

Posted 19.07.18
Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): Article link

Voting for the next CIH Vice President is officially open. The three candidates shortlisted following the nomination phase have gone forward to a vote of CIH's membership to decide who will be successful.

They are Aileen Evans, the Group Chief Executive of Grand Union Housing, Lindsey Williams, the Chief Executive of Futures Housing Group and Darshan Matharoo, Vice Chair of Empowering People in Communities.

Every CIH member will be sent a voting code which they can use to cast a vote any time until voting closes at 5pm on Wednesday 15 August.

The current Vice President, Jim Strang, will become CIH President in September when Alison Inman's time in office comes to an end. The winner of the ballot will become CIH's new Vice President and will go on to become the organisation's president in 2019.


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