Updated 03.07.18

- The Savills Housing Sector Survey 2018 findings published

" /> <h2>The Savills Housing Sector Survey 2018 findings published</h2>

Section: Research & Surveys

The Savills Housing Sector Survey 2018 findings published

Posted 03.07.18
Savills: Article link

For the second year in a row, Savills and Social Housing teamed up on a research project to explore the state of the social and affordable housing sector.

Responses from housing leaders and the wider sector have been analysed in a research report by Savills, with the main findings presented at Europe's largest housing event, Housing 2018, in Manchester.

The research includes responses from around 100 housing executives who were asked about sector capacity, priorities and ambition, along with 1,600 people from across the sector as part of a sentiment survey.

The above link gives access to the report.


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Reporting on July 2018

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