Updated 26.06.18

- Multi-billion pound boost to social housing across England confirmed

- Major new report calls on government to back social housing as poll reveals strong public support

" /> <h2>Multi-billion pound boost to social housing across England confirmed</h2>

Section: Social Housing

Multi-billion pound boost to social housing across England confirmed

Posted 26.06.18
GOV.UK: Article link

A multi-billion pound boost to social housing across England has been confirmed by Secretary of State for Communities, The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP.

Around 23,000 new affordable homes will be delivered through a £1.67 billion government investment deal. This will include at least 12,500 social rent homes in high cost areas in a move to support families struggling to pay their rent.

The Communities Secretary also heralded a new generation of council housing by inviting local authorities to bid for a share of £1 billion extra borrowing to build new homes - the borrowing cap raise will be split equally between London and the rest of England.

This extra financial flexibility, which will be allocated to those in areas with the highest affordability pressures to ensure homes are built where they are needed most.


Major new report calls on government to back social housing as poll reveals strong public support

Posted 26.06.18
Chartered Institute of Housing: Article link

A major new report is calling on the government to back social housing as polling reveals strong public support.

'Rethinking social housing' was launched by the Chartered Institute of Housing to spark a national debate about the role and purpose of social housing.

The project took on new significance when it was revealed that the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire would not consider wider issues regarding social housing.

Polling carried out by Ipsos MORI showed that:

'Rethinking social housing', which has just been launched at Housing 2018 in Manchester, concludes that the time has come to reclaim social housing as a central pillar of society alongside education and the NHS, and set out an ambitious new vision for affordable housing.


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Reporting on June 2018

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