Updated 12.06.18

- Right to Buy replacement will be all but eliminated in just five years

" /> <h2>Right to Buy replacement will be all but eliminated in just five years</h2>

Section: Right to Buy

Right to Buy replacement will be all but eliminated in just five years

Posted 12.06.18
Local Government Association (LGA): Article link

The current system only allows councils to keep a third of each Right-to-Buy (RTB) receipt to build a replacement home and prevents local authorities from borrowing to make up the shortfall.

A new analysis by Savills, commissioned by the LGA, examines the impact of continued restrictions on councils' ability to borrow to build new homes.

It reveals that:

Additional rules applied to Right to Buy, including a significant portion of all receipts being handed over to the Treasury rather than the communities in which the homes are sold, are hampering the ability of local authorities to re-invest in housing.


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Reporting on June 2018

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