Updated 26.06.18

- Grenfell Tower Inquiry

" /> <h2>Grenfell Tower Inquiry</h2>

Section: Grenfell Tower

Grenfell Tower Inquiry

Updated 26.06.18
Various links - see below

Evidence is published on the Inquiry's website when it has been adduced at a hearing - click here.

The following provides links to selected media reports on the inquiry.


Grenfell Tower: 'Catastrophic' safety failures outlined - BBC News, 4th June

Grenfell cladding firm denies responsibility for fire spread - The Guardian, 5th June

The 'poverty' of Grenfell lay in how tenants and residents were treated - 24housing, 5th June

Grenfell Tower inquiry: London Fire Brigade responds to 'stay put' advice criticism - Sky News, 5th June

Kitchen fire resident 'did the right thing' - BBC News, 6th June

Former housing ministers drawn into Grenfell inquiry - 24housing, 6th June

Met to investigate fire brigade over 'stay put' policy - The Guardian, 7th June

Raft of safety flaws listed at Grenfell Tower Inquiry - BBC News, 18th June

Grenfell inquiry shown speed at which fire spread beyond flat - The Guardian, 19th June

Grenfell fire chief says he failed to make safety checks before disaster - The Guardian, 25th June

Grenfell Inquiry: Firefighter in tears over tower footage - BBC News, 26th June

Further updates pending -


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Reporting on June 2018

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