Updated 20.06.18

- New Ministerial group to tackle youth homelessness in Wales launched

- Urgent action is required to prevent more people dying on the streets

- Autistic people at greater risk of becoming homeless - new research

- Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain

- £30 million immediate support for rough sleepers announced

- Homeless family left in crowded conditions while council delayed making decision

- New services launched to prevent homelessness across Oxfordshire

" /> <h2>Autistic people at greater risk of becoming homeless - new research</h2>

Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Autistic people at greater risk of becoming homeless - new research

Posted 13.06.18
The Conversation: Article link

There has been little focus on whether autistic people might be over-represented among the homeless population.

Autism is a condition characterised by differences in the way the brain develops, with autistic people showing difficulties with social skills, unusual sensory processing, and a tendency towards inflexibility and restricted interests.

Many autistic people, given the right support, live full and satisfying lives. Unfortunately, such support is often lacking, and many autistic adults struggle to find sustainable employment and housing.

This article by William Mandy, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at UCL, reports on the findings of a new study that suggests autism may be over-represented among the homeless.


£30 million immediate support for rough sleepers announced

Posted 11.06.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Housing Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire announced that 83 areas will share £30 million to boost the immediate support available to people living on the streets and help them into accommodation.

Councils across England with the highest numbers of rough sleepers will receive a share of this funding to significantly increase the support they are able to offer people now and also those at risk this coming winter.

Funding will be used to provide an additional 1,750 bed spaces for rough sleepers and an additional 531 dedicated homelessness workers.

The funding will also help improve the co-ordination of services available to those in need and at risk.


New services launched to prevent homelessness across Oxfordshire

Posted 01.06.18
Oxford City Council: Article link

Oxfordshire's city and district councils have launched two new services aimed at improving homelessness prevention across the county.

The new services are part of the five councils' £890,000 Oxfordshire Trailblazer project. This works with health, criminal justice, social care and other services to identify and help people at risk of homelessness before they reach crisis point.

The Trailblazer project has commissioned Aspire Oxford and Connection Support to deliver the new services on its behalf.

Aspire's new team is made up of six community navigators and support workers, who will proactively seek out and offer support to people at the very earliest signs of homelessness.

Aspire will support and empower their clients to engage with a wide range of existing community-based organisations that can help prevent homelessness and sustain tenancies.

Connection Support is providing a team of six embedded housing workers to support staff in hospitals, prisons, probation and children's social care services.


Quick Links

Updated 20.06.18

  • The Welsh Government: New Ministerial group to tackle youth homelessness in Wales launched - and oversee the innovative Housing First.
  • St Mungo's: Urgent action is required to prevent more people dying on the streets - new research report.
  • Crisis: Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain - new report.
  • Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman: Homeless family left in crowded conditions while council delayed making decision - Ombudsman finds.

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