Updated 13.06.18

- America and public housing: 'Moving to Work' - What can it do for you?

- Los Angeles County Housing Authority proving that service and innovation go hand and hand

- Homeless in Russia: Who Are They and Will They Freeze to Death?

" /> <h2>Updates from Housing Futures</h2>

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Updates from Housing Futures

Updated 13.06.18
Housing Futures: Various links - see below

Housing Futures is the online platform on housing strategies for cities around the globe. The following have been posted recently.


America and public housing: 'Moving to Work' - What can it do for you?

Staff from the Seattle Housing Authority, Lincoln Housing Authority and the Oakland Housing Authority spoke about the Moving to Work (MTW) program at the NAHRO conference in Pittsburgh.

MTW is a federal program that gives increased flexibility to public housing authorities in America. The main purpose of this blog is to highlight the areas covered by the experts at these housing authorities.


Los Angeles County Housing Authority proving that service and innovation go hand and hand

The Community Development Commission/Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles (CDC/HACoLA) is a dynamic, innovative agency.

It was created in 1982 by the Board of Supervisors to generate affordable housing and economic redevelopment throughout Los Angeles County and participating cities.

Funded primarily with federal grants, the CDC/HACoLA is an industry leader in sponsoring new solutions to housing and forming partnerships with private and public agencies.


Homeless in Russia: Who are they and will they freeze to death?

Being homeless in any situation is tough. However; in Russia it might be a completely different challenge. The annual report of Russia's largest homeless organization said the following:

"There is no truly accessible and efficient system of state assistance for those who have become homeless in Russia. We know that no one is insured against the street and believe that one simply cannot turn a bling eye to people in need."


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Reporting on June 2018

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