Updated 21.06.18

- National Housing Federation appoints new chief executive

- Young Leaders: Top 10 revealed

" /> <h2>National Housing Federation appoints new chief executive</h2>

Section: People in Housing

National Housing Federation appoints new chief executive

Posted 21.06.18
National Housing Federation: Article link

Kate Henderson has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation.

Currently the Chief Executive of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), Kate Henderson will take up the post in early October. She succeeds David Orr who announced in January that he would be stepping down from the role this autumn.

Over the past decade Kate Henderson has raised the TCPA's profile through a range of campaigns and policy initiatives, most notably around Garden Cities, affordable housing, poverty and climate change.

She has been involved in a number of government panels and independent commissions, including the Lyons Housing Review and the Raynsford Review of Planning.

She has co-authored various books on planning, including Rebuilding Britain: Planning for a Better Future and, more recently, The Art of Building a Garden City: Building New Communities for the 21st Century.


Young Leaders: Top 10 revealed

Posted 04.06.18
24housing: Article link

The ten Young Leader semi-finalists have been named by 24housing and they will now go to the National Housing Federation's HQ in London to battle it out for a place in the final five.

The semi-finalists were voted for by readers of 24housing after an earlier shortlist of 20 were decided from the many nominations for the brightest and best young talent in the housing sector.

The above link gives access to a short summary of each of the semi-finalists.


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Reporting on June 2018

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