Updated 13.06.18

- More than 50 organisations sign up to domestic abuse pledge in three days

" /> <h2>More than 50 organisations sign up to domestic abuse pledge in three days</h2>

Section: Domestic Abuse

More than 50 organisations sign up to domestic abuse pledge in three days

Updated 13.06.18
Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): Article update link

More than 50 housing organisations signed up to CIH's ''Make a Stand' pledge in the first three days of the campaign (as at 5th June - see update below).

The Make a Stand pledge was developed by CIH in partnership with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance and Women's Aid as part of Alison Inman's presidential appeal and launched on Wednesday 30 May.

It consists of four commitments which housing organisations can make to support people who live and work in housing who are experiencing domestic abuse.

The above link provides details of the four commitments and gives access to sign up to Make a Stand. There is also a link to a list of organisations who have signed up.


As at 13th June, 100 organisations have signed up to CIH domestic abuse pledge, which collectively own and manage 1.2 million homes - around 25% of social housing in the UK.


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Reporting on June 2018

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