Section: Planning

Blog Watch: Planning Inspector sets out the distinctive elements of Extra Care scheme resulting in C2 Use Class conclusion

Posted 09.02.18
Housing LIN: Article link

Tetlow King Planning's John Sneddon has provided an analysis on the recent appeal for a development in Sidmouth, which is particularly helpful in considering the use class of extra care accommodation.

This appeal was for an assisted living community for older people including 113 self-contained extra care units, staff accommodation and ancillary facilities.

Alongside issues such as the effect on character and appearance of the area, was the consideration of whether the development would be Use Class C2 (residential institution) or C3 (residential dwelling house).

The issue of use class came into play regarding whether or not affordable housing would be required from the development. If the Use class was found to be C3 (residential dwelling house) then affordable housing would have been requested by the Council.

This successful appeal demonstrates the consideration of use class and the level of information which can be required to demonstrate that extra care units fall within Use Class C2 and that they therefore should not be required to offer affordable housing contributions.


Planning laws to be relaxed to allow house upward extensions in cities

Posted 05.02.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Housing Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed the Government's backing to create a new generation of town houses in cities like London and Manchester to ease pressure on valuable open spaces and help growing families.

Under the proposed planning changes, it will be easier to build upwards on existing blocks of flats and houses as well as shops and offices.

For example, an additional 2 levels could be added to a property - provided it was in keeping with the roof line of other buildings in the area.

These developments must remain in keeping with the character of the local area, including the preservation of listed buildings and conservation areas.


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Reporting on February 2018

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