Section: Co-operative Housing

Launch of the CCIN Housing Commission report on Community-Led Housing

Posted 25.01.18
Co-operative Councils Innovation Network: Article link

The Housing Commission on Community-Led Housing is launching its report - 'Community-Led Housing: a Key Role for Local Authorities'.

The Housing Commission was set up by the Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network (CCIN), led by Croydon Council, with a practical focus to encourage local authorities to foster co-operative, community-led solutions to the housing crisis.

The Commission's report illustrates why and how councils across the UK are enabling and supporting Community-Led Housing (CLH), with case studies on 12 local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales.

The Commission has worked with Housing Associations' Charitable Trust, which is leading the development of a technical toolkit on CLH for local authorities. This will be available from early 2018.


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Reporting on January 2018

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