Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Staggering rise in number of people sleeping rough simply unacceptable says CIH

Posted 25.01.18
Chartered Institute of Housing: Article link

Figures released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government show that the autumn 2017 total number of rough sleepers counted and estimated in England was 4,751, up 15% from 4,134 in autumn 2016 and 169% from 1,768 in autumn 2010.

Chartered Institute of Housing chief executive Terrie Alafat CBE said:

"It is quite simply unacceptable that so many people are sleeping rough across England - we must act now.

"The staggering rise in the number of people sleeping rough since 2010 is a stark demonstration of our national housing crisis.

"And of course the complete picture is likely to be much worse - we know that homelessness is rising in all its forms. For everyone who has no other option but to sleep on the streets, there are many more trapped in poor quality temporary accommodation and still more 'hidden homeless' people sofa surfing and sleeping on public transport for example.

"The Government must consider its proposals to change the way it funds short-term supported housing very carefully to make sure it is not cutting people's options even further."


Website helping homeless people to make the right move

Posted 17.01.18
Birmingham City Council: Article link

Homeless people in Birmingham are just one click away from connecting with with local landlords thanks to a new website.

The idea for the Homeless Rooms Birmingham website came from social entrepreneurs Mark Peters and Lee Blake. After speaking to prospective tenants who were searching to find a place to live in the City, they found that the expensive deposits and high fees charged by some landlords and estate agents was putting accommodation way out of reach.

On the website, people can search for decent quality accommodation, offered by landlords who accept people as tenants without deposits, admin fees or high rents.

There is also advice to help prevent a person from becoming homeless, or support a person to move on from a hostel.

Councillor Sharon Thompson, Ambassador for addressing rough sleeping and homelessness at Birmingham City Council, said: "We are keen to see this scheme get off the ground, so we are match funding monies that they raise via their Crowdfunding campaign."


Quick Links

Updated 29.01.18

  • 24housing: Corbyn pledges 8,000 homes for the homeless - and powers for local councils to 'take over' luxury flats that are deliberately left vacant.

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