" /> <h2>The Housing Secretary confirms Government support for new legislation to help ensure rented homes are safe</h2>

Section: Legislation

The Housing Secretary confirms Government support for new legislation to help ensure rented homes are safe

Updated 19.01.18
GOV.UK: Article link

Secretary of State for Housing Sajid Javid has confirmed Government support for new legislation that will help ensure rented homes are safe and give tenants the right to take legal action when landlords fail in their duties.

Karen Buck's Private Member's Bill requires:

The above link gives access to the progress of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation and Liability for Housing Standards) Bill 2017-19.


On 19 January, Karen Buck MP sought a second reading of her private member's Bill, the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation and Liability for Housing Standards) Bill. The Bill was given an unopposed second reading and now has a good chance of becoming law.

The text of Karen Buck's speech can be found on the Red Brick website via this link.


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Updated 19.01.18

  • Anthony Collins Solicitors: Tribunal decision rules on 'what is a bedroom' when applying the "bedroom tax" - summary of the ruling which is likely to be appealed.

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