Section: Building & Regeneration

Carillion collapse raises job fears

Posted 15.01.18
BBC News: Article link

Construction giant Carillion has gone into liquidation, threatening thousands of jobs.

The move came after talks between the firm, its lenders and the Government failed to reach a deal to save the UK's second biggest construction company.

Carillion ran into trouble after losing money on big contracts and running up huge debts of around £1.5 billion.

Its failure means the Government will have to provide funding to maintain the public services run by Carillion.

Carillion is involved in major projects such as the HS2 high-speed rail line, as well as managing schools and prisons.

It is the second biggest supplier of maintenance services to Network Rail, and it maintains 50,000 homes for the Ministry of Defence.


New guidelines call for homes for people and wildlife

Posted 11.01.18
The Wildlife Trusts: Article link

New guidelines published by The Wildlife Trusts today show how new housing developments can be built in a way that provides people with greener, inspirational homes which help to reverse decades of wildlife and habitat decline.

Homes for people and wildlife - how to build housing in a nature-friendly way is published at a time when the Government has recently committed to building a further 300,000 homes a year until 2022.

This means that about 36 square miles will be given over to new housing developments annually - that's an area larger than Brighton & Hove every year.

The Wildlife Trusts believe that the natural environment must be put at the heart of planning in order to give the Government a chance of meeting its commitment to be the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than we found it, and to build new homes and communities that people enjoy living in. p>*****

Quick Links

Updated 19.01.18

  • Campbell Tickell: After Grenfell: How should social landlords change their approach? - Greg Campbell blog.
  • Anthony Collins Solicitors: Carillion's liquidation - immediate steps to take - advice for clients who have contracts that might be affected.
  • Keepmoat Homes: Keepmoat awarded approved developer status for Herefordshire framework - an agreement with Herefordshire Council for a minimum period of 10 years to deliver a wide range of housing led regeneration and development initiatives.
  • The Guardian: Plans in place for Carillion collapse - the UK's second largest construction firm, as crunch talks with creditors continue.

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