Section: Central Government

Homes England - the new national housing agency - is launched

Posted 11.01.18
GOV.UK: Article link

A new national housing agency - Homes England - has been launched by Housing Secretary Sajid Javid.

As the successor to the Homes and Communities Agency, Homes England is viewed by the Government as one of its key steps towards delivering much needed homes. Its role will be tol drive forward change, as set out in the Government's housing white paper.

By bringing together existing planning expertise and new land buying powers, the new agency will play a major role in securing land in areas where people want to live, support smaller and more innovative house builders into the market and resource brownfield sites from across the country to deliver homes for families.

Government has previously announced that the Regulator of Social Housing will be separated from the Homes and Communities Agency and established as a standalone organisation. Homes England will be a commercially-focused land and investment agency.


Government renews focus on housing with Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Updated 10.01.18
GOV.UK: Article link

As part of the ministerial reshuffle, the Government has confirmed a new name for Department for Communities and Local Government.

Following the appointment of Rt Hon. Sajid Javid MP as the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the department will be renamed as the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).

Dominic Raab is replacing Alok Sharma as Housing Minister - who has been moved to the Department for Work and Pensions as Minister of State.

Click here for a full list of appointments made by the Prime minister in her reshuffle.


Quick Links

Updated 10.01.18

  • Inside Housing: Sector expresses disappointment at revolving door of housing ministers - following the decision to replace Alok Sharma as housing minister midway through his research for the Social Housing Green Paper.
  • 24housing: Dominic Raab: The doubt of the benefit - article leads with "track record of new Housing Minister signals limited horizons".
  • Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): CIH welcomes new profile for housing after reshuffle - Chief Executive Terrie Alafat says "we hope this decision represents a long-term commitment to address the very serious housing issues facing the nation".

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