Section: Sustainability & Eco Housing

Sustainability performance stars at housing awards

Posted 04.12.17
Sustainable Homes: Article link

Over 200 housing and sustainability professionals came together in London to celebrate outstanding achievements in sustainability at the SHIFT Awards 2017, the sustainability awards for the housing sector.

As the only awards celebrating sustainability in housing, the SHIFT Awards (created by sustainability consultants, Sustainable Homes) are vital in championing a going through hard times by shining a light on those projects at the forefront of environmental sustainability.

The Awards showcased the very best sustainable housing projects across 10 exciting categories - this year also including one Dragons' Den style awards.

Categories included "Best small retrofit project", "Best corporate sustainability project" and the highly coveted "Sustainable Housing provider of the year".

To celebrate 10 years of the SHIFT Awards, this year's ceremony also included a special category to recognise the "Most improved ever SHIFT landlord".

The above link provides access to a list of winners.


Quick Links

Updated 06.12.17

  • Sustainable Homes: Why it matters to win a SHIFT Award- by Bevan Jones, Managing Director of Sustainable Homes
  • .

  • ECD Architects: SHIFT Awards: 'Best Large Scale Retrofit Project'- Wilmcote House
  • .


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