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Blog Watch: Does the Ukraine need social housing reform?

Posted 18.04.17
Josh Crites, Affordable Housing Researcher: Blog link

An interesting article was sent to me a few days ago. The major point of the article was that the Ukraine needs to convert a large majority of its privately owned housing to social housing.

This is not only to help low income households who apparently are in no position to be owning their own units but also just to keep up on the capital work that needs to take place to keep the buildings from falling into disrepair. I recommend this article .

The provision of social housing in Ukraine is managed through a wait list system. Because the provision is seen as a right, the wait lists never really put preferences for low-income households.


Blog Watch: The European Union, Social Housing and State Aid

Posted 04.04.17
Josh Crites, Affordable Housing Researcher: Blog link

I am shifting to the Netherlands where I will spend some time with the Aedes Company. They provide both advocacy and training to social housing companies here in the Netherlands.

While here, I will also visit with member companies to better understand Dutch social housing and the differences here compared to Germany and the USA.

One of the most interesting topics to me is the role of the European Union in social housing. One of the big issues that became apparent before coming here is the role the EU plays in a topic called State Aid.

State Aid is defined as using taxpayer resources to provide help to organisations in a way that gives an advantage over others.

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