Section: People in Housing

Economic uncertainty depresses pay

Posted 10.04.17
Campbell Tickell: Article link

A survey of employers' 2017 pay intentions for the housing, care and charity sectors has shown the great majority are opting for caution in the face of economic uncertainty. The average planned salary increase is just 1.2%.

Management consultancy and recruitment specialists Campbell Tickell surveyed more than 50 organisations of different sizes in the housing association, care and charity sectors across the UK and Ireland. This found that half of employers have opted for a 1% annual pay award.

One in 10 employers are not increasing pay at all this year; while one in eight are offering rises between 2% and 2.5%. The remainder are offering between 1.25% and 1.65%. The research found little variation between different regions.

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Reporting on April 2017

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