Section: Housing Provision

Link to build 3,200 new homes over the next five years

Posted 24.04.17
Link Group: Article link

Link has confirmed its plans to build 3,200 new affordable homes over the next five years, almost doubling its proposed development programme expenditure to £401 million.

Two thirds of these new homes which will be for social rent, thus making a significant contribution to tackling Scotland's affordable housing requirement.

Link will also continue to maximise the supply of housing accessible to people with disabilities. This year it delivered 25 homes, with a further 214 to be built over the next five years, designed to exemplar space and accessibility standards to meet both current and future needs.


Mayor strikes landmark deal for 20,000 new London homes

Posted 07.04.17
Mayor of London: Article link

Sadiq Khan has announced a partnership with one of the capital's largest housing associations, L&Q, which will see £8 billion invested in 20,000 new homes across London - 12,000 of which will be genuinely affordable.

City Hall is contributing £400 million towards the sum to help boost affordable housing delivery and to assist with land purchases and infrastructure costs.

This is the first agreement under the Mayor of London's record-breaking £3.15 billion affordable housing deal secured from Government last November, which will see 90,000 new affordable homes started by 2021.

The announcement came on the same day that the Mayor confirmed 100,000 Londoners now have access to the employers' housing pledge he launched in January with business organisation London First - with 23 of the capital's employers now taking part, offering employees help with housing costs including access to a tenancy deposit loan scheme.


Sharp rise in tenant homebuyers frees up council housing for homeless people

Posted 03.04.17
Wandsworth Council: Article link

The number of council tenants in Wandsworth buying a home on the open market or through shared ownership through a local scheme has reached a ten-year high, freeing up dozens of homes for families in need.

Forty seven tenants have taken up a House Purchase Grant (HPG) from the Council in the past 12 months, up from 32 last year, 20 the year before that, and 31 a decade ago.

This has saved an estimated £2.8 million in temporary accommodation and housing costs, while a further 16 tenants have also expressed interest in an HPG.

There is also a growing pipeline of low cost homes being built by the Council with 89 under way, part of a programme to build at least 300 within the next three to four years.

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