Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

'Homes for Cathy' Group Highlights the Extent of Homelessness Today

Posted 02.11.16

Over the next few months, South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) will be facilitating a number of inspiring events, as part of the 'Homes for Cathy' campaign; a campaign that sees a group of twenty housing associations across the country come together, to mark the 50th anniversary of the release of Cathy Come Home.

The group wants to re-examine the important themes within Ken Loach's radical film, encouraging engagement, and asking the question "Where would Cathy and her family be today?"

SYHA has always been interested in Cathy's message - when the film first came out its founder, John Belcher, was so inspired that he set up the then named Sheffield Family Association to support young homeless families. So now, 50 years on, SYHA wants others to see Cathy's story, and feel encouraged to act.

When Cathy was first released, there was public outcry about the problem of homelessness. SYHA wants to see this reaction repeated again, to change the suspicious way in which society perceives the homeless, and to stop allowing public services and social policies to be shaped by this suspicion.

In November and beyond, SYHA and partner associations will be continuing to help to raise the profile of the films 50th anniversary by running various events, and sharing success stories of what they do to help vulnerable and homeless people.

At the same time, the hope is to highlight the extent of homelessness today, and show that we urgently need more affordable homes to meet what is an ever growing demand. It's time for reformation, and the 'Homes for Cathy' group wants to help to lead the way.

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Reporting on November 2016

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