Section: Energy Efficiency

Media Watch

Updated 03.05.16

A Small Win For Energy Efficiency: Tenants Can Now Request Improvements

A Sustainable Homes Blog reports on how the 1st of April was a small step forward for energy efficiency, as tenants in private rented accommodation now have the right to request energy efficiency improvements according to the Private Rented Sector Tenants' Energy Efficiency Improvements Provisions.

There are numerous caveats, even loopholes. Nevertheless, where a tenant requests their landlord's consent to making energy efficiency improvements to the landlord's property, subject to certain requirements and exemptions, the landlord 'may not unreasonably refuse consent'.

This precedes a more significant change from 2018, when it will become illegal for very poor quality (EPC band 'F' and 'G') properties to be let - albeit with more conditions and exemptions attached.

There are implications where a property is let by a registered social landlord but is rented at full local market rate (i.e. it is not low cost rental accommodation).

Clich here to read the article.

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Reporting on May 2016

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