Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Innovative Solution to Help People Sleeping Rough Launches in wales

Posted 14.01.16

StreetLink, a service that uses mobile technology to allow members of the public to help people sleeping rough, has launched in Wales. This follows the success of StreetLink in supporting people off the streets in England.

Anyone concerned about someone sleeping rough in Wales can tell StreetLink via the mobile-enabled website or phone-line. StreetLink will alert the local authority homelessness team who will use the information provided to try and find the individual and connect them with support.

Since launching in December 2012 in England, StreetLink has sent more than 35,500 alerts to local services and connected 15,500 people with support, including almost 3,000 helped into accommodation.

Research shows that 84% of people who sleep rough have physical health problems, and 87% suffer from mental health issues.

StreetLink engages the local community in tackling rough sleeping and the information they provide leads to a more effective response. This benefits both individuals and the wider community.

The Welsh Government has funded the expansion of the service, which is delivered in partnership by the charities Homeless Link and St Mungo's. The Wales partner for StreetLink is The Wallich, which will provide a Welsh language service, support local promotion and whose frontline staff will receive many of the referrals.

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