Section: Housing Management

NHF Responds to the Government's Pay to Stay Consultation

Posted 23.11.15

The National Housing Federation (NHF) has responded to the Government's consultation on Pay to Stay, making the case for it to remain a voluntary scheme for housing associations.

Pay to Stay would require high income social tenants to be charged a market or near market rent. The NHF agrees with the overall principle that those with higher incomes who can afford to pay more for their rent should do so, however, it does not agree that the policy should be mandatory.

As independent social businesses, housing association boards should be free to manage their own revenue and assets. The NHF made the case that housing associations should have the freedom to adopt this proposal if it makes financial sense for them in the context of their business plans.

As it currently stands, the proposed scheme would be very complex and costly to administer and as a result the added running costs would outweigh any benefit through increased income for many housing associations.

Click here to read the NHF's full response to the Government's consultation.

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Reporting on November 2015

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