Section: Energy Efficiency

Latest Updates and Insights on Sustainability from Sustainable Homes

Updated 20.11.15

Social landlords push ahead on lower bills and green issues

Housing associations gathered in Manchester to celebrate outstanding achievement in sustainability.

The SHIFT Awards are the UK's sustainability awards for landlords, recognising achievements in reducing environmental impacts, lowering costs and improving the quality of life for their residents.

Five awards were presented to organisations that had achieved 'best in class' in the categories that the SHIFT sustainability standard independently assesses.

Two further awards were presented to reflect achievement in areas not specifically covered by the SHIFT standard.

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What people really think of retrofit works - interview with households

As winter approaches, concern about fuel poverty is ever-present - at least if you are one of the 2.3 million households in the UK still at risk.

There are many ways to address fuel poverty, but energy efficiency improvements remain the best, most sustainable way to reduce energy bills whilst keeping homes warm and healthy.

The last SHIFT conference in London, Addressing the Retrofit Performance Gap, was all about sharing experiences of what worked and what didn't.

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An update on the latest technology and research on smart buildings

Level 39 in the famous Canary Wharf was the venue for a recent event named "Reducing Energy Demand with Smart Buildings".

Delegates heard some updates on advances in smart buildings and this article provides a useful summary.

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5 Years Ago: From Our Archives

Posted 02.11.15

Chris Hulme Launches Green Deal

The Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Chris Huhne, announced that by 2015 up to 100,000 Green Deal workers could be employed in the effort to upgrade Britain's homes. Legislation to start the process of establishing the Green Deal is due to be introduced into Parliament next month.

The Green Deal is the Government's new and radical way of making energy efficiency available to all, whether people own or rent their property. The work to upgrade the property will be paid back from the saving on energy bills.

Chris Huhne said:

"The Green Deal's about making people feel as warm as toast in their homes. I want Britain to say goodbye forever to leaky lofts and chilly draughts. At a time of increasing gas prices energy efficiency is a no-brainer.

"It's also a massive economic and job opportunity which could help Britain's economy turn the corner. With up to 100,000 green jobs up for grabs over the next 5 years, and even more in the long term, this is about growing our economy in a way that's good for jobs, the environment and energy security."

Click here to read the full article.

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Reporting on November 2015

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