Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

Highlighted Events

Posted 05.08.15

NEA Annual Conference
14-16 September 2015: Sheffield
National Energy Action

The theme for this year's conference is based on the NEA's vision for the future for the 4.5 million households who live in the misery of fuel poverty across the UK.

The conference will focus on six vision statements and expert panels of speakers will explore each of these in turn, drawing upon the experience of those attending the conference.

What does the future look like for the fuel poor? The NEA's six vision statements:

Further details and booking arrangements.


Sheltered Housing Conference
30 September 2015: Central London
Capita Conferences

This conference provides a crucial policy update on the future of accommodation for older people under the new government.

As housing providers and commissioners adapt to a changing funding landscape, new roles and responsibilities under the Care Act and an increasingly ageing population, this well timed event will showcase new approaches and nationally recognised examples of excellence in sheltered housing.

Designed to equip those attending with tools to overcome the challenges of delivering affordable and high quality housing to a diverse older population, this key event provides insight into pertinent topics including:

Further details and booking arrangements.

Forthcoming Events

Diary Planner

Posted 05.08.15

September 2015

October 2015

Forthcoming Events


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Reporting on August 2015

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