Section: Housing and Care

Media Watch

Updated 12.08.15

Extra care housing: It may just be part of something bigger in Wales

On 10th July 2015, Practice Solutions Ltd convened a round-table discussion on extra care housing for older people in Wales, chaired by David Brindle of The Guardian.

This blog, which has been published by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN), provides an account of that meeting - which considered the proposition that 'extra care housing in Wales, as a concept and a provision, is still relatively underdeveloped'.

The article was written by Stewart Greenwell, an Associate at Practice Solutions Ltd.

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Posted 12.08.15

How housing associations can help us become a dementia-friendly society

Linda Milton is Chief Executive of Waltham Forest Housing Association.

Her recent blog published on the National Housing Federation website opens with - 'As a small locally based housing provider, we have contributed not just to our own tenants but to making the whole borough in which we work a dementia-friendly community'.

At Waltham Forest Housing Association there was already a lot of work with tenants living with dementia, but they realised recently there was a lot more they could be doing. Linda's article provides a summary of initiatives considered and introduced.

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Reporting on August 2015

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