Section: People in Housing

Voices After the Election

Posted 21.05.15

Greg Campbell (Partner of Campbell Tickell) continues his assessment of the effects of the General Election result and asks "What is the new government likely to mean for the housing and related sectors?

His blog notes that the question is most relevant to England, with housing a devolved policy area in Scotland and Wales.

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Naeem Dean (Finance & Practice Director at Croftons) posted an article in which he notes that the focus needs to be on the Conservative party manifesto in order to try to gauge what the future will hold for RPS.

How this bears out in practice, however will of course depends upon how much of the manifesto is implemented over the course of the next Parliament.

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Ministerial Appointments

Posted 21.05.15

The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP has been appointed as Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, while Brandon Lewis MP has retained his brief for housing and planning.

Previously Greg Clark was appointed Minister of State on 7 October 2013 and Minister for Universities and Science on 15 July 2014. He is the Conservative MP for Royal Tunbridge Wells.

He was Director of Policy for the Conservative Party from March 2001 for 3 successive Leaders; William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard, before being elected as the Member of Parliament for Tunbridge Wells in 2005.



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Reporting on May 2015

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